Friday, December 19, 2008

What was I thinking? I have been putting off for months dealing with the skin cancer on my face because the treatment sounded no fun and I was going to look hideous at the same time. Plus I was going to Maui and wanted to fully enjoy the sun on my face one last time.
With our Maui trip over, the time was now...
8 days ago I began the treatment. It's a toxic cream that you rub on your face, neck, and chest, morning and evening for two weeks. Wherever there are cancer cells or precancer cells, the skin becomes red, burning and irritated, eventually blistering. Everyone reacts differently, for some the redness and pain come right away, for some it comes the second week. That is where I am. My face began feeling like it is on fire yesterday and just in time for Christmas, my nose and the skin around it look like Rudolf! Even though my face feels like it is on fire I have to continue putting on the cream that causes the fire and blisters for another 7 days.
The blisters and scabs have yet to begin. Something to look forward to!
Why did I do it over the holiday's? because I have a light schedule at work for the next two weeks, and in a couple of weeks I will be beginning to heal when work picks back up. No guarantees, but losing a couple of wrinkles would be nice in the process. There really is no good time to have scabs all over your face, so why not now? I'll just avoid the Christmas picture taking...or I'll be the one with a bag on my head.
I have ben asking myself how bad will I look during this process? I've seen pictures of others and it looks awful. This will be a good practice in holding my head up and not feeling self conscious even though I look terrible.
I told friends that I would post pictures of me as it gets to full bloom...many friends in Maui are needing the same treatment from all our hours in the sun and are wanting to see me go through it first before they decide if it's worth it. I'm the guinea pig for the group.
The big question is? was all the time in the sun worth it? Yes it was! I love being outside even though now I will begin to wear sunscreen after this is all over. I love being in the sun and on the water too much to stop it. Plus let's face it, everything looks better with a tan. I'll try to remember I did this to myself when the blisters start.
(I'm not putting a picture up today, because my face is only a sunburn..nothing to see yet)
Have a great day,


bob h. said...

(or is that my pain i'm feeling)

Anonymous said...

Dear Susan,
Jill and I prayed for you this morning. I read your blog often and lift you and Mike up in prayer continually.
Love Lisa Helm