Thursday, December 18, 2008

"As a man thinketh"...
Christmas is almost here and I'm excited about the possibilities. When I was a kid every year I would get anxious and excited about the possibilities of what might be. Not knowing how to handle all my emotions I ended up with a stomach ache and feeling sick. Every emotion ended up in my digestive system and from there you can imagine the outcome. I am long over this!
I've grown up, but still get excited at the possibilities of every year, my family, friends, getting together with people we know and don't know. I'm a thinker. I love to ponder ideas and the what could be's of life. I love to picture and think on wonderful things, happy times, and how I can love others better.
I know from Scripture that my thinking matters, and when I think on what is lovely, pure, true, peaceful, loving, virtuous and good...."that as a man thinketh" so I am. I live out what I focus and meditate on. Today I am going to meditate on all that is good and right, lovely and praiseworthy. My life is so good and the possibilities are endless....I'm off to take my walk and think on those things, praising Him for the blessings all around me.

Love, Susan

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Susan - Can't believe I found your's Denise Schirmann (and Ernie, Kyle, Greta & Matt). Where are you living now? I want to send a Christmas card but can't find your address. Please email me at or We can catch up then.