Wednesday, July 30, 2008

out of a coma

I went to church last night for Celebrate Recovery.  After the main service I was walking to the room where my group meets only to find the door locked.  So I began going door to door looking for them, only to find more locked doors.  Then I went to another building which was just as futile.  There was no one around to ask where they had moved the group, so I was a little frustrated.  Then the light bulb came on, we had moved that group to another building probably 7 months ago.  I had completely forgotten.  It is so weird, it was like I was from another planet or had just come out of a coma.  Slowly I am getting my faculties back.  I still don't hold the best conversation and I am not quite as witty as I think I once was, but I am getting better.

In that regard, I was reading some older post to this blog.  I have been in such a fog up until about 3 weeks ago many of these posts went like reading them for the first time.  So much encouragement and love pouring out from friends, family and other believers.  Mahalo!  One post was from Pastor Craig, our senior past from Hope Chapel in Maui.  He shared Psalm 86 and I was blown away.  It was like God put a new psalm in the bible, like I had never seen it before.  Check it out, it is 17 verses long and loaded with goodies.  I am so blessed by God and His word.  Let me share with you a few verses that hit my heart.  Verse 5, "For You, Lord, are good and ready to forgive, and abundant in mercy to all who call upon You."  Verse 7, "In the day of my trouble I will call upon You, for You will answer me."  Verse 15, "But You O Lord, are a God full of compassion and gracious, longsuffering and abundant in mercy and truth."

God has been so good to us during this time and though we don't know where we are going in this whole thing, one thing for sure is He is right there with us.  Isaiah 58 says He has our backs.  He is there for those who call on Him.

Hold Fast

Love you all



Unknown said...

Hi Mike, I am so blessed by your blog. It is so good to have spitirual friends so close by. I love you both greatly. Grace, Grace, God's Grace,
Ann B

Anonymous said...

Dear Mike,

Just wanted to let you know you are in our prayers every night.

The Strickland (Maui)

Elena said...

Hi Mike, You ar such an inspiration to me. I love you and Susan so much!

Love, Elena in Seattle