Thursday, July 31, 2008

12 more days

Happy Birthday SAM (the baby of the family)..... ...24 years old today! We love and miss you!

The countdown has begun once again. This round of not knowing is almost over. We have only 12 more days and we will be back at Stanford to hear if the chemo and radiation did it's job. This morning Mike asked me to feel his throat and look inside to see if it is looking better. I haven't been looking of late because I didn't want to know really what is going on. I figured that we would know when we see the doctors on the 11th.We are so tired of dealing with cancer that we've been ignoring it and instead have been enjoying our life while Mike gets his strength back. 
..... BUT this morning when I felt his neck I could still feel the swollen node...we were slightly bummed. We weren't totally surprised but it would have been nice if it was gone.  We are praying that it is only scar tissue from the treatment and not cancerous (not probable but possible). On the 11th if it is still there they are going to biopsy it, and we will know on the 12th before head back home if and when Mike needs to have a neck dissection. That would require removing all 40 of the lymph nodes on the left side of his neck and into his collar bone. It's radical surgery. We are praying that it is not necessary. 
Life is good, we are resting, praying and Mike is eating. YEAH! Life is getting back to our new normal; living with cancer. It is what it is, and God is still in control. 
It's all good with GOD. We are sure of that!

Keep praying, 


Anonymous said...

12 more days. It's time for all of us to rally around you both and step up our prayers. I was reading in Isaiah tonight - I hope you find this as encouraging as I did. It makes me think of God's promise to you to "Hold Fast"-
Isaiah 41:13
"For I am the Lord, your God
who takes hold of your right hand
and says to you, Do not fear;
I will help you".

I hope you guys have a weekend filled with fun and laughter.


Maui Real Estate Resource said...

Hi Mike & Susan,

I am hoping and praying for a miracle for you Mike. I miss you guys a lot.
