Sunday, December 14, 2008

Tree or no tree

Mike and I are trying to decide whether or not to buy a tree this year. I don't enjoy killing a tree, but love the smell in our home of the forest. Then last week my brother told me that the trees in the lots were cut down as early as August, so how much smell can be left? Then there is the whole thing of the fake tree. We had one in Maui and it served us well, but we gave it away before we left the island.
We don't want to be those drag older people that don't have a tree once the kids leave home. Up until this year we have been excited to get one up. This year however it seems with so many out of work and our communities financial struggle that the tree money can be used to Celebrate Christ by giving to others instead. We can celebrate Christ other ways and with lights on our palms in the house. Will the grandkids understand? Will our kids understand or think we've gone to the other side? Will I miss the tree if we don't get one? I think I might.
In our home growing up as soon as the boys went over 6 feet, the rule was it wasn't a Christmas tree unless it was taller then they were. The tallest two boys are 6'5, and one of them won't even be here. Sooooooo do we go for a Christmas tree or not?
Today is the day of decision....
Will we or won't we? What do you think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you should just light the palm...after all you did just get back from maui. But, that is just my opinion...take it for what its worth. I agree in this economy with all of the people in need the money can go for something better than a dead tree. Light a pine or evergreen scented candle and call it good! Heck light a hybiscus or coconut scented candle for that matter. Do it hawaiian style!!