Friday, December 12, 2008

It's all perspective. How I look at things and think about them matters. It's my choice. My thoughts and what I do with them determine how I am going to live out my day. When I change my perspective I change the lens and change the view. For example yesterday I got up and a heavy blanket of fog was surrounding the house. Instead of griping about it, I looked out thinking that outside it feels like I am living in a black and white picture, and in my home is full of warmth and color. I had a whole new perspective on the fog and am enjoying it today and yesterday.
I have choices to make all day, perspective, attitude, my faith, health, money, family, commitments, relationships, priorities, I will be and how I will act is up to me and will have a direct impact on my tomorrow. Today matters and what I do with it effects me and others. What if we all took a different and positive perspective on life and lived in such a way that our today would positively influence our tomorrows. Positive begets positive and we could spread hope and love to everyone we meet.
I'm in this thing lately of smiling at everyone I pass. I really like people and like to smile, so why hold back? Very rarely do I not get a smile in return, but better still, I feel great doing it. The blessing is all mine and it makes for a very happy day.

"Nothing changes if nothing changes"
When I change everything changes.

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