Sunday, December 14, 2008

In Maui I have all these super talented friends that paint and do phenomenal batiks. I come from a very artistic dad, and yet I have never tried my hand at anything much. I have dabbled with watercolors, but they are hard as a medium to begin with so I got frustrated and put them away (for now). I have some acrylics and a few practice canvas that I have been working up the nerve to paint on. I love to draw in on the edges of my Bible while I am studying and during my quiet time, or when on my walks I often feel inspired to do something artistic or to write. This morning during my quiet time and prayer I got this vision in my head and decided this was the day to pull out my paints and go for it. This is the result.....I am excited to play with the paints and begin painting the pictures I see in my head...

No this is not's Susan just in case you wondered.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is your first attempt? My, you are way more gifted than I thought. I knew you had spiritual gifts...but you are an artist as well. You go girl!! You are the bomb!