Monday, December 8, 2008


We're back in foggy Modesto. Last night we pulled in about 1 am. As we drove home we came upon the fog or did the fog come upon us? At any rate the fog closed in around us and disoriented us to our surroundings. We were tired from a 5 hour flight, sad at having to leave our friends and the beauty and warmth of Maui, and now we were in the fog. I really do not like the fog, in fact I have not one good thing to say about it. I'm a very positive person and see the good in things...but with the fog, I can find nothing. It's cold, damp and covers the colors of nature.
Fog makes me want to complain. In fact I think I am complaining. Do you mind? It was 38 when we pulled into Modesto and the house was a cold 42 degrees! Out came the down comforters and heater went on. Snuggle up time!!!!! (Two are better than one)
If anyone can tell me why the fog is a neat thing, I would love to hear about it...I'm sure that there is some scientific reason that it is good and worthwhile, but right now we are missing Maui....can you blame us?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got nothin'...I'm sure God has a reason for fog, though. Maybe it is so that we really appreciate the days with no fog. While I am sorry you had to leave that beautiful Island only to return to this cold, foggy valley...I am grateful for your safe return.
I love you guys