Friday, October 10, 2008


So here we are in Tahoe at our friends Mike and Paulette's home, celebrating our 6th wedding anniversary! Yeah God what a blessing our last years have been. It's been one long honeymoon with all the kids grown up and out of the house. But how great is it to get away from home and relax with nothing to do but have fun. It's cold and yes we have snow! a fire in the fireplace and each other. WE ate too much pizza for lunch and tonight it's snuggling with a fire and watching movies or whatever else comes to mind.
Actually our anniversary is not until Sunday, but we like to start celebrating early and everyday leading up to it...This is the year of iron and candy..we broke out the candy today and it seems we will bring out the little gifts one day at a time. Mike is the one that is the gift planner. I love them, but he always does our anniversary up right and plans ahead with little thoughtful things that touch the heart and amuse me.
It hasn't always been so. The first year that Mike and I were dating, my birthday came and he had made other plans rather than spend my birthday with me. I tried to act like I was alright with it when he stopped by and dropped off my gift, but by the next day I had to get honest and tell him that I was disappointed. It ruined my birthday that year, because being in love I thought that he would do all these sweet things for me...Well that year is long gone and forgiven, BUT ever since then Mike has remembered every occasion and always has something special and thoughtful up his sleeve. I didn't even think that I cared about gifts, but I must say that I love getting them, along with seeing what he has planned. It's silly but wonderful! Today has been wonderful!


bob h. said...

you know Mike, quite often i think to myself how very very blessed you are to have a beautiful, wonderful, loving, thoughtful, kind, God fearing, considerate, etc., etc., etc. wife like Susan
but every once in a while i'll have to say she's blessed to to be w/you

Anonymous said... explanation as to why I feel sooo connected to you two. Today, October 12th, is Ray and my 6 year anniversary. What time did you get married? We love you two!!! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!