Sunday, October 19, 2008

I just was reading that the number one reason people quit their jobs, is lack of affirmation. People that receive affirmation at least once a day live an average of 10 years longer. We all love to feel affirmed, to feel that what we are doing is making a difference.
So I wonder? why do we wait to affirm people? Is it because we are too busy? or is it because we ourselves are threatened in some way? Is it because we don't get enough affirmation that we then withhold it from others?
Anyone can affirm someone after the fact, but often times that affirmation comes too late. Affirmation that comes late is like not being affirmed at all. The individual is already discouraged or has lost the wind that moves them forward. We need to be regularly affirmed along each step of the way, especially when the going looks tough or we feel unsure or shaky.

When my kids were little, I affirmed them to get them started on a project, and I affirmed when they finished the project....BUT I know that I often missed the most important affirmation of all...affirming them DURING the project. (I feel bad about that)

How many times do we never finish something because it seems that it doesn't matter to anyone? We all long to make a difference by what we do. Affirmation can make the difference and give others the reason to keep going and finish well.

I know that I myself love affirmation. I have in the past fallen into the trap of thinking that I don't need others to affirm me, because Christ is the reason that I do what I do, and I can still fall into that. But let's be honest. The real reason that I don't tell others that I need regular affirmation is because I don't want to appear weak and needy.
I need affirmation to know that I am on the right track. I need affirmation to stay the course, I need and like others believing in me and cheering me on. I want to be that for others. A cheerleader cheering them on while they run the race set before them. Running alongside of them screaming "you can do it!...don't give up!"

All this to say that I am dreaming of a world where we actively affirm and encourage one another all the time...right now in the moment. Marriages would be happy and families would stay together, workers would be more productive, people would be healthier.......Why do we get complacent in marriage and life that we stop affirming and working at our relationships? I'm challenged and convicted to regularly affirm those that I am blessed to have in my life. How about you? who can you affirm today?
Any thoughts? or are these the inane ramblings of a crazy woman with grandiose ideas?



Your post is exactly the words I needed to hear today. thank you!

Unknown said...

Great ramblings - we need to hear that

Anonymous said...

Dear Susan,

Ramblings are good. I sure could use some today. Great posting. I think I'm going to copy that one for later.

Thanks for the good word.

