Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Big Day

Are you praying? Here we are again, heading off to Stanford tomorrow with faith as our shield and God as our hope. Hanging on to each other with a bit of fear and trepidation as we face the truth of whatever they tell us.  We have faith and the assurance that the Lord has us and knows what is best for our lives right now, and the fear that we have inside is the reality that we may hear that the cancer is back. What do we do with all the feelings that come up for us? We talk to each other, cry with each other, and prayed...then we get up and press forward to the next thing that we have for today. 
So the schedule tomorrow is......body scan at 11:00am, (it will take about 2.5 hours and Mike will be fasting, and hungry!) and then we'll go have some lunch, and hang around until we see the doctor at 3:30 in the afternoon. The doctor is always way behind schedule, and we'll probably get in to see him about 5:00pm. We'll post the results as we get them. 
Thank you for praying for us. We need them! and we love you!


Anonymous said...

Praying with joy because of your faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. "For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things,to whom be glory forever. Amen." Ro. 11:36

Steve L

Anonymous said...

We are praying...woke up praying for you both. We love you and are with you in spirit.

Waiting to hear....

Love us.


Anonymous said...

It's 3:50 on Thurs. I'm praying you'll see the Doctor soon. I'm grateful to know you're in His arms

Maui Real Estate Resource said...

Hey you love birds you guys rock. It's good to see you come through hell and back Mike. It looks like you guys are enbracing life, in love and back on the journey. So it's about time for a maui visit, what do you think Pineapple Mike. Well off to work.
p.s. sam if you are reading this you need to return just visiting or I might have to pay you a visit.