Saturday, August 2, 2008

R & R

Susan and I are in Carmel for the weekend.  We were blessed to use my sister-in-law Danielle's parent house.  It is so amazing to be by the beach.  We both needed some down time, away from Modesto, where we could just relax.  Carmel is very serene once you get away from the hub-bub of the tourists downtown.  Susan has got me walking on the beach, but I am definitely ready for a nap once we are done.  As we walked on the beach we were talking about the upcoming doctor's appointment.  Throughout this entire deal, every time we have thought something definitive was coming it turned into another "wait and see" kind of event.  I am certainly in no hurry to get bad news but there's that word WAIT again.  I guess honestly good news would be the preferred response from the doctor.  It's all very surreal to think of the varying levels of news that could come our way but we have no control over that except to not show up for the appointment.  So rather than dwell on the problem we opted to sit on the beach and pray.

In Romans 9 Paul reminds us that God is God.  He uses the same metaphor Isaiah used when he describes God as the potter, we are the clay.  Verse 20 says "But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against God?  Will the thing formed say to him who formed it, 'Why have you made me like this?'"  Reminding us again, who's got the power!

So for today, we are going to enjoy our time here in Carmel.  Sitting in the sun on the deck, sitting in the sun on the beach, maybe sitting at a little cafe downtown (in the sun).

Hold Fast



Anonymous said...

You may not know the outcome...but God does. He's already got it figured out. For me, that is reassuring especially at times when I really want to worry or try to control a situation or event in my life.
Just know, that no matter what the outcome is, what the news is on August 11/12th, you have glorified the Lord. He is pleased with you.
He loves you...and so do a whole lot of other people (just in case you haven't noticed). You have an army of people who are praying for you!!! And that, my friends, is GREAT news!!!
Enjoy your getaway, but most of all enjoy each other!!
Love you guys

bob h. said...

Sounds like GOD is blessing you two
which is the second part of the word from the LORD (via a young lady) at the Pauwela Cafe & Bakery the morning of Wednesday, February 27, 2008.


(don't forget the second part)

I love you guys and look forward to seeing you someday soon on Maui

(and to anyone reading this, Monday, August 11, would be an excellent day to fast & pray for our brother Mike)