Sunday, August 3, 2008


We are having a great time! Mike is back to eating three meals a day. Yeah God! We are resting, walking, sitting, playing cards, relaxing, eating and more eating, laughing and basking in the goodness of God with great friends. 

We are fully enjoying today! 
Psalm 34:10 "But those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing" 

Countdown 8 more days!


Anonymous said...

AAARGH!!! We (Bonnie & The Boys) just got back from Monterey/Pacific Grove tonight! We drove down Thursday night and got home Sunday @ 10:45 p.m.--I can't believe we didn't know you were there--it sounds like it was just as spontaneous as it was for you as it was for us! Saturday was unbelievable--Boy, did we need it also! Love you, sorry we missed you! Love, Bon, Evan & Derek (and Scott--stayed home)

Anonymous said...

AWWW...So cute. I love the pictures and the people in them. It looks like you four are having a good time...Good for you. You all deserve it so much.
See you all Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

Hi, it's me again...
I have been thinking about what bob h wrote on August 2nd (to anyone reading...) I read this today and wanted to share it with everyone reading: 1 John 5:14 And we are confident that he hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases Him. A deeper look says that often our problem with prayer is not that we don't pray, but that our prayers are too small. God's will is a grand thing-bold prayers that seek what God seeks will be answered.
So I beg you, PRAY BIG, people!!! Mike is worth it!

Anonymous said...

It's so good to see you guys having a fun time. You both look amazingly good. I know that God is healing the fatigue and much more.

We love you both!!!

B & B