Monday, July 7, 2008

yeah, another dr's visit

As you know from the past posts, it gets worse before it gets better. You've been hearing of the "worse" days.  We are excited to announce that the days of "better" have come! My friend Sheila reminded me yesterday that Saturday was 70 days since the beginning of treatment. The doctors had said that he would be very sick for 70 days and then he would begin to improve. On the 70th day he began to feel better! And yesterday was better than the day before. Today is better still! It's slow and steady and moving in the right direction. 
Mike is talking normal(though not talking much), spitting less, and feeling positive. His mouth and throat are still really sore, and he can't eat yet, but he's beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. 
How great is our God! We called and He answered, and He came to our rescue! He always does, it's just that the wait can be long and we want things in our time. God's timing is different than ours. We are full of excitement and energy this morning at being able to make a trip to Stanford without vomiting and gagging. 
Today we are going to see the doctors, two oncologists and a surgeon. Sounds like fun doesn't it? They are going to take a look in Mike's throat to check out the original tumor on his left tonsil and tongue, and feel the lymph nodes in his neck. We are praying that they have all diminished in size, or better yet are nowhere to be found by the naked eye or touch. In two weeks he has an MRI of his head and neck to check out whether or not he needs surgery (removing all the lymph nodes of his left side of his neck). He will only need the surgery if there are any nodes that are still enlarged. 
Please continue to pray that Mike wouldn't need surgery and that Mike would be healed from the cancer. Either way God is in control and we are fully trusting Him to do His perfect will. Of course we would love some great news today, but that is not evidence that God loves us any more or less. His love for us is perfect, and we know that full well. 
Hold Fast, God's love for you is perfect too!


Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! It's amazing it's already been 70 days. I'm continuing to pray & looking forward to hearing more of what God's doing.


PS. So glad to hear you're being able to eat more Mike!

Anonymous said...

Dear Mike and Susan
I've been on a short vacation to Honolulu so I'm just now getting up to date. The latest Monday blog leaves me smiling from ear to ear. Praying for the good news from the Dr. visit.

Praying for you both!!!

Much love,
Susan Haynes