Saturday, July 5, 2008

Another day in the life of ....

Good morning.  It's me, Mike.  I am feeling a lot better these last couple of days.  In fact I consumed almost 3,000 calories yesterday which is a far cry from the 1,200 calories I was getting down 2 weeks ago.  I almost broke the scale the morning at a hefty 165 pounds (I started this thing at 187)  I still haven't been able to do solid food but I am encouraged that my mouth and throat are healing which allows to to drink a 8 oz. Boost Plus at one time rather than over the course of an hour.

Enough about eating and weight.  I love the book of Proverbs!  It is rich not only in wisdom but in the acknowledgement of God.  The proverb that is on my heart this morning is 18:22 - "He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord."  How true this is in my life and it has never been more evident than over the course of these last 4 months.  Susan is the one who has prayed, prodded and pulled me through to this point.  In Ecclesiastes 4 it says two are better than one and how if one is down the other is there to lift him up.  My beautiful wife has been there every step of the way for me.  I've always thought I could take care of myself, even after Susan and I were married, but God has shown me that I'm not so tough.  I don't know how good of patient I have been but I know Susan has been Superwoman.   All the responsibilities of daily life have fallen to her because I have been too sick to deal.  All the parts of life that I used to do she now has to cover.  As if that weren't enough she is having to take care of me and that ain't no easy feat.  She takes me to all the doctors appointments, daily treatments and trips to the pharmacy.  The best part for her throughout this has to be the amount of gratitude I have shown her.  I am embarrassed to say, not very much.  She has been the positive charge in these circumstances.  Her faith spurs me on.  She encourages me to pray when all I want to do is whine and snivel.  She somehow puts a smile on my face when all I have to give are frowns.  I look in the mirror and see . . . but she keeps telling me I look great and I'm  even starting to believe her. ;)

The point of this post today is about what a great blessing my wife is and to tell everyone who reads this how much I love her and appreciate all that she does.  And to acknowledge how much I have "obtained favor from the Lord."


Lauren Gyorfi said...

I must agree...your wife is pretty awesome.

Anonymous said...

"Who can find a virtuous and capable wife? She is worth more than precious rubies. Her husband can trust her, and she will greatly enrich his life. She will not hinder him but help him all her life." Proverbs 31:10-12

Mike, you have a real treasure in Susan. Those of us that know her agree wholehearted with you.

Keep up the good fight. Always praying for you. Right now, especially that all the treatment is doing what it is suppose to do.

Love you guys,

Toni Spence

Anonymous said...

My best July 5, 2008 memory - a rubber of bridge with dearest friends. Thanks, Mike, for a priceless gift.
Love, Suzi

Anonymous said...

hey guys I just found out there is an internet room here at our hotel...and I'm coming home tomorrow HA HA. I've thought about you two every day that I've been in Puerto Vallarta and wondered how you were. I'm glad to see that you aren't really sick anymore and hey, you are consuming more calories a funny to be cheering for that...pretty soon we'll see you in the food addiction group at CR if your not careful.
I agree with your post today...your wife's the BOMB!!! You aren't so bad yourself there big guy...
I am flying home tomorrow plane leaves here at 3:30 (1:30 your time) please pray because it has been storming something fierce for the last few days. It has been really cool with the thunder and lightening from the ground...I'm not so sure about it from the air. It's semi hurricany (can that be a word?)
i love you guys and I will (God willing) see you soon.

Maui Real Estate Resource said...

It is awesome to find beauty when you are walking through a dark valley. You two are such an encouragement to me in my life. Mike I love how your faith keeps you on course, a light in a dark place and Susan you are amazing God Bless you.

Anonymous said...

My mother i must say is pretty amazing, so is my dad!


Anonymous said...

Mike, amen bruddah to havin a good women. I know my prayers were answered when I met Michele. I am not big on quoting scripture but after being with Michele these past few years the feeling that I get is 'oh yessss, there issss a God'