Thursday, July 3, 2008

When it rains it pours. Isn't that the way it seems? It's always something. Nothing goes as planned and you feel totally out of control. So you look for someone to blame. Who is closer than your spouse? There you go, expectations and disappointments turning into resentment and blame. And the problem is still there, the real problem that is. Our problem is an orange concrete patio that someone came to acid stain and we don't know what he was thinking, but he stained it orange. It was supposed to be tan to match the area around the pool, but we have orange instead. We would love to get mad or blame someone, but what good will that do? what we are going to do about it we are not yet sure... so there you have it, the stress of our day that has nothing to do with cancer. 
Hungry, angry, lonely, tired? I think we might qualify for a few of these. We know that when any of these are going on we are apt to overreact. Breathe........Let it go and pray!!! then breathe and pray some's pretty hard to let go of an orange concrete patio. 
Pray that Mike's sore throat would go away and that he would be able to begin to eat some soft foods. He is pretty mad today about everything associated with the cancer and all the ways it has effected his life. But he is getting better. I can see it, he is up and doing more, but lets' face it, it isn't happening very quickly. It's a long battle with no guarantees of outcome, except that God does have a perfect plan for Mike and us. That is a pretty great guarantee. 
So yes we with the orange patio are HOLDING FAST and believing in what we do not yet see. 

1 comment:

Liza on Maui said...

(sigh) I wish there are words of wisdom I can say on this...

So when there's none from me,I turn to the Bible. here's a verse I have for you today:

"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast because he trust in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord is Rock Eternal" - Isaiah 26:3

Hang in there. I pary for you everytime I visit, and more.