Friday, July 25, 2008

Step by step

Good afternoon!

I was thinking about a joke today.  Question - "Why did they name the game golf?"  The answer - "Because all of the other four letter words were taken!"

As I was thinking about that joke I was considering another four letter word that can generate a wide range of emotions.  That word is WAIT!  I remember as a small child the night before some big event, like going to Disneyland or Christmas morning or going to the beach, I could not wait.  I would be so amped up I could hardly go to sleep.  On the other hand, I remember waiting for my dad to come home when I was soooo in trouble for something, the waiting was killer.  In general, I haven't liked waiting as far back as I can remember.  But that's not where our life is today.  We are waiting.  We can't hurry the process, not by one minute.  Is it a cultural thing or just human nature?  Babies want to eat when they want to eat and they are not so patient as they wait for food.  My opinion - I'm going with human nature, natural instinct and/or the flesh.

The problem is the world does not revolve around me.  However, when I act like it does there are of plenty of other people willing to remind me that I am wrong.  So what does God have to say about this whole waiting thing?  Isaiah 40:31 says "But those who WAIT on the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles.  They shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." and Psalm 37:7 "Rest in the Lord and WAIT patiently for Him . . ."

Even though I know all that it is still hard.  I want to learn to wait better with more of an attitude of peace and acceptance, and I believe that the Lord is using this to teach me and to let me practice acceptance and depending on Him instead of having to have my way.
Hope this all makes sense.




bob h. said...

you won't believe this but (just kidding - I know you believe me) I was reading Isaiah this morning - chapter 40 to be exact (I have been re-reading that chapter for a few days) and I felt the nudging of the HOLY SPIRIT to comment on your blog today quoting Isaiah 40:31. That was 4:30 this morning and now its almost three in the afternoon and you beat me to it.
My problem is I delay in obeying the LORD. And as someone stated from the stage recently "delayed obedience is disobedience" (ouch)
But I am still blessed that GOD is the same God in Modesto and Maui.
I love you bro.
Hang in there (aka "Hold Fast")
the original baha bob

Anonymous said...

Amen. The mills of God grind slow.


Steve L.