Thursday, July 17, 2008

Something new every day

Yesterday was action packed.  A couple of our nephews, Beau and Jack, came to stay with us for a few days.  They are breaking in the pool in a big way.  It's good to see them enjoying it.  I went by my office for a quick visit and then met some friends for lunch.  Actually I sat there with a cup of soup I couldn't eat and watched them chow down their lunches.  But it sounds impressive that I went out to lunch.  After all that activity I couldn't wait to get home and take a nap.  This morning I took the truck to the car wash, whew that was work.

It's funny, I was telling my friends at lunch how I had been in Exodus in the last couple of days and I discovered Susan had reading the same place too.  What a coincidence!  But then Sheila writes in her post on the blog yesterday about the part of Exodus.  How much can we relate to losing site of the facts when we focus on the circumstances at hand.  Like if Susan is upset with me over something and I start thinking she doesn't love me anymore.  It's the same when I believe God doesn't care when things don't go as I think they should.

I wondered yesterday how good of a god I would be.  I concluded that I would not be the best choice.  Every time someone cut me off in traffic - WHAM!!!- one less human on the planet.   I love that movie Bruce Almighty - when he answers all the lottery players prayers and they each win $19 or something.

So today I will be glad that God is God and I'm not - and you should be glad I'm not too!

Psalm 24:1



Anonymous said...

Good day to you!!! Its good to hear you are getting out and about. I missed you Tuesday night...I spoke to Susan briefly and she said that by that time of day you are pretty worn out. Easy does it...

I just want you to know what a blessing your blogs are. When I see what you guys are reading or studying in the bible it makes me want to look it up and see what you are refering to. It is like a daily bible study for me. You are ministering to me (and Lord knows how many other people) kind of subliminally. Pretty cool outreach you've got going there. Thank you for that!!!

Everytime I see or hear scripture relating to hunger or thirst I think of you (and it kind of applies based on your lunch yesterday) so here is something I read this morning.

John4:14 But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.

A deeper look: Do you thirst? Drink God's water of life. Are you hungry? Pull up to his banquet table and feast on His goodness. There you will find real life!

You will be satiated!!! AMEN!!!

Love you guys!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike... regarding the dry mouth, you may want to consider using an over the counter product that I have been using for the past few months. It makes a big difference and moistens the mouth without having to swallow anything. Biotene OralBalance. This is different than the Biotene tooth paste and mouth rinse (which I also use). Most supermarkets do not carry the OralBalance. I get mine at Walgreen. It comes in a tube (about $7) like a medium size tube of tooth paste. Regards, Ed Steger