Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Not much new in Modesto today. Mike walked the dog around the block and is now resting on the couch. Life is good, we have two of my nephews coming today for a few days with Auntie Susie and Uncle Mike.  We'll swim and play games with them. Actually I'll do the swimming, Mike still has to hide from the sun. But the the games, we'll have a little tournament over the next couple of days, and crown the winner.  
The grandkids come this afternoon for some pool time too.  What is more fun than a house full of kids! It'll be a blast.  

Keep praying for Mike's throat to heal. Still no eating, but he's trying. His throat is pretty sore but he is feeling a little bit stronger everyday.  

Mike wrote this morning on the blog and it got lost in cyber space, bummer.....Talk to you tomorrow!
Love and HUGS

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's 10:30 at night & I'm doing my 'blog check'. It's become a nightly routine. Love the pics and appreciate the honesty and humor. A wise woman (Susan)suggested (strongly) that I start reading in Exodus about the Israelites time in the desert prior to coming into the Promised Land. The desert certainly isn't my idea of a comfort zone, but I'm learning that God's idea of good and my idea of good are very rarely the same. I'm also learning that God's way is the only way that I will see the promises (His promises) fulfilled. And that in this is every good and perfect thing to be found - including the fruits of the Spirit - lots of encouragment and hope in that. All of that is to say... the daily blogs that you guys write are recovery personified. My prayer tonight is that you are both blessed beyond measure with the encouragement, hope, comfort and smiles that you bring to me and undoubtedly countless others through your daily commentaries of walking through the tough stuff with faith.
Exodus 14:13 Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today...
:14 The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still.

Love you both,