Thursday, June 26, 2008

We didn't write yesterday, we were just too tired. There was nothing to say. It was one of the those days when we were hanging on emotionally by our finger tips. I guess we didn't tell you that the doctor said it would be another month before Mike would begin to feel any better. That was pretty discouraging for Mike, which in turn makes me feel the same as I see him struggling day after day. The cycle of grief is denial, anger, bargaining, sadness, acceptance. We are grieving all the loss that comes with big illness. The changes are huge, and daily it seems that loss smacks us in the face. We are in the sad. The way out is to walk through it. We can't get over it or around it, we have to walk it through. The Lord is providing the way, our practice is to "Hold Fast" and not give up. We won't give up, and we are not even tempted to, but the desire to find another way out for relief apart from the Lord is there. We are both pretty tenacious people, and have the ability to dig in and gut things through. But this is not something we can gut through. This is one of those gut wrenching times that takes our breath away, and drags us through the trenches of our deepest emotions. We are utterly dependent on God. A good place to be ultimately, but painful nonetheless. 
Daniel 10:17-19" ...As for me, no strength remains in me now, nor is there any breath left in me. Then again the one having the likeness of man touched me and strengthened me. And he said, O man greatly beloved, fear not! Peace be to you; be strong, yes be strong! So when he spoke to me I was strengthened....."
This morning He touched us and strengthened us both. Talk to you later.....Hold Fast....


Anonymous said...

Dearest Friends,
He touched me, o, He touched me, and o, the joy that floods my soul..Something happened, and now I know, He touched me and made me whole. Gaithers Rock!
Love, Suzi

Anonymous said...

Mike & Susan

Whatever You're doing inside of me
It feels like chaos but somehow there's peace
It's hard to surrender to what I can't see
but I'm giving in to something Heavenly

Whatever You're doing inside of me
It feels like chaos but I believe
You're up to something bigger than me
Larger than life something Heavenly

These are choruses from a Sanctus Real song.

He's up to something heavenly & has the two of you snugly in His arms.

Love Becky

pacificpam said...

Mike & Susan,

My heart is with you....Pam

Anonymous said...

Mike & Susie,

We love you and are here for you....Holding Fast with you and praying for you.

love and hugs..
B & B

"He restores my soul"

Anonymous said...

"Unless the Lord had given me help
I would soon have dwelt in the silece of death.
When I said, 'My foot is slipping.!" your love O Lord supported me.
When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to me."
Ps 94:17

As I was reading this morning, this verse spoke so clearly to me of what I need and God provides for me on daily basis. I see Him doing the same for both of you.

I love you this morning.

Your forever friend.