Tuesday, June 24, 2008

We are feeling sad today having to say good bye to two of our kids. Lauren flew home to Virginia Beach (leaving Paul behind for another week to help) and Sam went back to Maui. We are already missing them, and it's only been a few hours. As parents we want our children to have a happy fulfilling life where ever that takes them, but when they live far away, it sure makes it hard to say good bye. Yep we miss them. Aren't they beautiful? if you want a closer view, click on the pictures and they will blow up. 
The doctor didn't say anything much yesterday. Mike is doing fine, hasn't lost any more weight, they can still feel the tumor, and the doctor says that he is healing better than most at this stage of the game. However, his throat has become infected and is causing him pain when he swallows. We return in two weeks for several more visits and to discuss the surgery. 
While we didn't great news, we didn't get bad either. We'll wait and pray while Mike regains some of his strength. He is our strength and we are standing and trusting in Christ alone!
Love you all...... Hold Fast,
Mike and Susan


Anonymous said...

I am leaving for SF tonight after work and fly out to Puerto Vallarta early Thursday morning. We will be gone 10 days...I hope our hotel has an internet accessible computer...I've got to keep up with what's going on with two of my favorite people, but if not, just know that I will be praying for you while I am lounging by the pool, lying on the beach and swimming with dolphins =)

It sounds like you had a nice time with your kids...God is good!!!

Relax and enjoy the quiet of the next few weeks. Enjoy each other. Enjoy just "being".

I love you guys and will see you when I get back.

Scott and Susie said...

It was good to see you today, Susan! May God continue to give you strength as well as Mike...one day at a time. We love you both!

artificialsweetener said...

Great pictures - but why no Hope? Would've loved to have seen a picture with all three of my cousins and Mike!
