Monday, June 16, 2008

They just can't get enough of us. They won't let us leave, I think they missed Mike. Yippee! We need to stay for another three days. We didn't bring clothes or supplies because we thought that we would be back home early tomorrow morning, so I guess I have to go shopping and get Mike a Stanford t-shirt(he doesn't want to forget this place), and me something new to wear too...(hmmm, I guess I don't mind, there are great shops in Palo Alto) It''s all so silly, but we take every bright spot, no matter how shallow they might seem to be. 
Anyway, the news, we saw the doctor. He took one look at Mike and told us that we were staying for another 3 days so he could monitor Mike and his vomiting closely. Mike has lost another 10 pounds for a grand total of 22, and can't get enough boost down. Until he can drink his 2500 calories of BOOST , stop vomiting, and drink enough fluids, they are not going to let us come home. As for the tumor, they can still feel it. But no worries, because it can continue to shrink over the next few weeks. Now you know how to pray.......thank you!
Our spirits are good, and we are thankful that we are here where Mike is being so lovingly cared for. 
Love, us


Anonymous said...

Susan - have fun shopping ;->

I'm praying Mike can drink enough boost (and mango juice) to keep up his weight. I'm so grateful you have a place to stay & didn't have to do a last minute scramble.

love you!

Anonymous said...

The cancer road takes dips and turns with no warning signs. The road gets weary but God's grace becomes more real and capable to sustain.

You two are always in our prayers. I have not been in one prayer group that didn't lift you two up along with the Johnsons and the Lauers. You are very loved around here in Maui.

I'm sorry for all the discomfort and pain Mike is experiencing. I know how tough this is for you, as his helpmate and care giver. We continue to pray and believe in the One who is able of doing beyond what we can think or dream.

We love you two,

Toni & Jason Spence

Anonymous said...

Mike & Susan
We pray for you every day.
God is so faithful.
God is good all the time
we love you from Maui
Don & Laura Roll