Tuesday, June 17, 2008

the zone

Mike is better today. The doctors seem to have found a winning combination of medication that is controlling the vomiting. We are in barf free zone for almost 24 hour now. Mike is regaining some strength and woke up hungry after 10 hours of sleep. They are hydrating him again today and tomorrow. Then if all the blood work is good, and he is drinking and keeping Boost down, we can go home tomorrow afternoon. Things are on the upswing!
Mike's says that he is feeling better than yesterday and he is even talking about getting back to a bit of exercise(walking) and trying to eat something else other than Boost this next week. For our emotional strength this morning we read the book of Colossians together. It's an instant upper and strength builder. Right now Mike is watching Looney Toons, he loves it! 
Have a good day, we are planning to.

1 comment:

Christine said...

Mary and Silas also love Looney Toons; although I think they prefer Tom & Jerry; maybe the three can get together sometime:) I am praying that you will all be home soon!