Saturday, June 28, 2008

This morning on my walk with my dog Kai, I couldn't help but see parallels in my life.(I don't often compare myself to a dog but in the bible we are compared to sheep) Kai and I often go 4 miles and have many different paths. I love to explore new streets and new loops to get back home. Now Kai when we are walking in familiar territory, while happily following most of the time, can pull, test the limits, and forget who is leading. Yet when we are in unfamiliar places, he is close by my side, looking up at me constantly for reassurance, affirmation, and direction. 
I am learning like my dog that I tend to be most dependent and therefor safest when I am in unfamiliar territory. I may not be the most comfortable, but it is when I allow myself to be most dependent on the Lord. It's in those unfamiliar times that I like my dog, press into the Lord's side and find myself looking for His leading. It's when I am most teachable, seek direction and correction. I am finding that the unknown times are the ones filled with the most peace, because I am more apt to fix my eyes and depend on Jesus more fully. 
Mike and I are in unchartered waters, and we are finding our greatest comfort in staying pressed into and looking to the Lord. Yes cancer brings new insights and blessings. I am convinced that the Lord is going to use this all for His glory, though for now the road is tough. 
Today Mike is a bit better. Everyday brings a little more strength. He is waiting to wake up and feel all better. While I am happy for any improvement. He is spitting less, awake more, walking around a bit, and able to talk more each day. I feel the tumor in his neck a lot and it IS getting smaller to the touch. 
Paul is still here and we are enjoying being with him and having great theological discussions. 
It's a joy to have him here. 
Hold Fast...We love you.....

Remember the movie "Diary of a mad black woman"? This is the the "Blog of a crazy cancer couple". 


bob h. said...

That is so GOD!! Dale Gustafson taught last night @ Hope & used that same analogy of a dog staying close to his master. Too kool! You can get the podcast from the web. Thnx 4 the "Hold Fast" T. I'm so convicted. More later. I love you guys!! Aloha

pacificpam said...

Hello "crazy cancer couple",

What a complete inspiration the two of you are. God is working so beautifully and completely in your lives. The parallels between our dogs and us is great, and oh so true!

Thank you, again for being sharing so completely & honestly.

Love & prayers....Les & Pam