Saturday, June 14, 2008

Rise and Shine

Good Morning! It is a good morning too, we slept through the night. We are so grateful. 
I love being up this early in the morning, I can hear the birds singing, smell that first cup of coffee, the quiet. It's a special time of day. Mike and I have our best talks in theses early morning hours. We get a cup of coffee, our Bible, journals, reading and praying silently, until one of us wants to share something, and then we are off and running, getting lost in conversation. It is a sweet time of day for us, and brings many great memories.
Before Mike and I dated we went on a missions trip together to Mexico with a group from church. Each morning before dawn I would get up and make the coffee for the camp, and sit by the fire pit enjoying my time alone in the word of God. (usually I got to be alone for a good hour plus) but there was this guy on the trip who tried to beat me to being the first one up every morning. ( you guessed it, it was Mike) Every morning Mike would roll out of his tent not long after I, with his little orange Bible in hand. He'd grab his cup of coffee, sit down across from me, and after saying good morning would lose himself in the word. UNTIL one of us broke the silence. It was then I began to get to know of his dependence on the Lord and the beginning of many long discussions. 
He asked me out 2 months later, and we have been having long early morning discussions ever since. Mike can't talk much now( his voice has not recovered) but our early morning time with the Lord and each other is a sacred time for us. 
Blessing of  the cancer? talking about all of our sweet memories together
Song of the day? How great is our GOD
Mike's body is struggling with the effects of chemo. He is hasn't been able to keep anything down and is choking almost continually during his awake hours. I'm married to an amazing man. He has yet to complain, and sends his love and says keep praying! Please pray that the vomiting would stop, and that his throat and mouth sores would heal so he can eat and drink.


Anonymous said...

What a great story!!! Now, just think...your early morning sessions are anything but quiet with Mike choking and hacking up...but hey, what a least he is still there with you (right where he belongs).
Praying for comfort, healing and a good report from the Doctor (on Monday, right?)
Also praying that you can at least make it to worship tonight, but since I am working an honest program I have to be honest here...this prayer is for selfish reasons...I'd just like to see your sweet faces.
Love you guys and Happy Fathers Day,

Christine said...

happy father's day Mike! What a wonderful example of a father who relies on the Lord. Still praying and looking forward to seeing you in person sometime soon. Thanks for keeping up on this blog--it is an encouragement to us and a reminder of how to daily turn to God.

Anonymous said...

what a cool way to meet...and how that has carried over into your married life...and trials. May you hear His voice in those quiet moments and all moments as His voice is always speaking. Love and prayers,

Steve L.

Anonymous said...

Mike may be an amazing man, but I think you're pretty amazing too.

Thanks for being so strong and taking care of my good friend


bob h. said...

hey m&s
I have meant to ask mike how the sparks were ignited between you two. Thanx for the 411. That
was a Divine
appt. Hang
in there
MIKE!! Your
my hero!!!
blessed you
with a
gift (her name is Susan in case there was any ambiguity)