Sunday, June 15, 2008

I'm just mad

I woke up mad this morning. I wasn't sure what was wrong. I wasn't tired, I slept well, Mike slept the night. Nothing happened to make me angry. I went to bed peaceful. Now I just felt mad. Feeling anger is ok, but what was I going to do with it? I could hear scripture in my head saying "take every thought captive that sets itself up against the knowledge of God." Honestly part of me wanted to stay mad. To wallow in my feelings. But I knew that was sick thinking.
I hate being mad, especially if I can't pinpoint a reason and talk it out. Frankly I don't get mad very often. Yuck.
But yesterday was a hard day. Mike was very sick and weak. Too sick to get out of bed. He and I were both feeling weary of being indoors and the fight with nausea. Our typical life is one of being outside, playing in the sun, working in the yard, hanging out with people, playing games and having fun. Are we having fun yet? Going back to taking my thoughts captive, I needed to do that. I needed to redirect my thinking. 
Phil 4:8-9, "Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, just, pure, lovely,......if there is virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-think on these things......and the God of peace will be with you"
I know that God is faithful and that He has us in the palm of His hand, that His ways are perfect. I know these things with my whole heart, but sometimes frustration/mad sets in nevertheless. Last night it crept in while I slept. Underneath it all, it's moments of fear that I feel. I am not consumed with the fear, but moments creep up in both Mike and I. It's what I do with the fear and the anger that matters. "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God" We opened the word of God and read Mark this morning. Lots of it, 10 chapters! Together we focused on that which is true, perfect, praiseworthy..... HIM and HIS word. There are many wonderful praiseworthy things happening around us. Too many to mention. For one it's Fathers Day and we have 8 great kids(that includes our 2 wonderful daughter in laws), two grandchildren, and two more on the way. Plus we are blessed that 6 of the 8 are here in town with us today and Paul and Lauren are flying in Wednesday! 
There is nothing like the words of Jesus to soothe me. As I read to Mike, he relaxed, I relaxed, and the fear and anger melted away. 
Happy Father's Day.......


bob h. said...

Your words encourage me. Thank You!

Anonymous said...

Aloha Mike and Susan,

We don't know each other but I am at Hope Chapel Maui and have been following your journey on your blog.

I can see that Mike is in the battle to win. He is weathering every bitter and violent storm and remaining steadfast and strong. I can see that, Susan, you are the strength he can rely on when he has none. And most apparent through everything, is your friend and ever present, ever faithful partner, Jesus.

Thanks for sharing today when the enemy tried to sneak in - you sent him packing.

You have so many more people on your side, like me, than you even know or can imagine.

The victory is already yours.

Terry Davis

Sophia from Tower of Cyprss said...

Happy Father's Day Mike...

λυπημένος (sorry) Susan you and Mike are experiencing so much sickness again. I know how discouraging that would be. I woke up with you heavy on my heart, now i know why.

I pray this next phase will pass quickly for both of you.

Song for the day..."Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus".

Joke for the day...

A Scottish tradesman, a painter called Jack, was very interested in making extra money where he could. So he often would thin down his paint to make it go a wee bit further. As it happened, he got away with this for some time. Eventually the Presbyterian Church decided to do a big restoration job on one of their biggest churches.

Jack put in a painting bid, and because his price was so competitive, he got the job. And so he set to, with a right good will, erecting the trestles and putting up the planks and buying the paint and thinning it down with the turpentine.

Well, Jack was up on the scaffolding, painting away, the job nearly done, when suddenly there was a horrendous clap of thunder. The sky opened, and rain poured down, washing the thin paint from all over the church and knocking Jack fair off the scaffold to land on the lawn.

Now, Jack was no fool. He knew this was a judgment from the Almighty, so he fell on his knees and cried, "Oh, God! Forgive me! What should I do?"

From the thunder, a mighty voice spoke: "Repaint! Repaint! And thin no more!"

I may not know what the future holds...but I know Who holds the future..!!!

agapo, agapi..


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for your honesty. I'm praying for enough healing for day for you -saying my preference is lots of healing :->

Joke for the day

A Sunday school teacher was giving her class the assignment for the next week.

"Next Sunday," she said, "we are going to talk about liars, and in preparation for the lesson, I want you all to read the Seventeenth Chapter of Mark."

The following week at the beginning of the class, the teacher said, "Now all who have prepared for today’s lesson by reading the Seventeenth Chapter of Mark, please come to the front." Half the class stood up and came forward.

"The rest of you may leave," said the teacher, "these students are the ones I want to talk speak to. There is no Seventeenth Chapter in the Book of Mark!"

Love you both!!
