Thursday, June 5, 2008

I can't feel my butt!!!

A few years ago my good friend Kurt and I were hanging out on the east side of the Sierra Nevada.  We had our mountain bikes with us so we decided we needed an adventure.  Our plan was to ride from Highway 395 up to Rock Creek Lake.  This was a 3,000 foot vertical climb over 10 miles of paved road that ends at an elevation just a little over 10,000 feet.

We started out and about a quarter mile into it I figured out this wasn't as easy as it seemed it would be.  My friend Kurt was in great shape and was going along pretty easily but I was more fat than fit and was sucking wind.  The first half mile is straight but constantly up.  Then the road curves and gets steeper.  If you have ridden a bike for any distance you know your butt can go numb from sitting on the seat.  It was when we came around that first bend I started whining.  I was hot, tired and couldn't feel my butt.  I told Kurt that this whole thing was a stupid idea and I was going back.  He, on the other hand, wanted to keep going.  I watched him ride up around the next bend and he was gone.
There I was standing all alone in the middle of the road.   Inside me a small voice was saying "Don't be a quitter!  You can do it!  Don't give up!"  So I made the decision to press on.  For the next 3 hours I rode that bike.  There are no level spots on this road, only up.  But I kept putting one pedal in front of other, taking each bend or straightaway as it came.  Just telling myself "You can do this".  But always focused on the ultimate goal of reaching the lake.
With less than a half mile to the top I finally caught up with Kurt.  He was actually just starting back down when he saw me.  He said he couldn't believe his eyes when he saw me grinding up that road.  He rode back up to the lake with me.  I was so happy to finish.  I did my best and had persevered.  I remember Kurt and I sitting on that lake shore eating peanut butter sandwiches and reading psalms together.  Oh, before we headed back down we had to have a slice of Rock Creek Resort's famous homemade pie - nectarine ala mode - it was SWEEEET!
Yesterday when at the doctors office I once again had the choice to quit or finish the climb to the top. It was my choice whether or not to have the third chemo treatment. Considering that I already feel like crap, am losing my hearing, and am ready to done, I chose to persevere instead and go for the full treatment. Gal 6:9 "do not grow weary while doing good, for you will reap a harvest if you do not get tired and give up" I am tired and at times weary, but am not going to give up short of the lake! I am going on despite the fact that I can't feel my butt and I can't see the top yet. Regardless of the outcome, I know that I have to do all that is in my power to do, and trust the Lord with the rest.
Back to my story, the ride down took only 20 minutes. It was amazing and a total rush. But nothing will beat the feeling I had when I finally reached the top, sat down by the lake taking it all in, rested a bit and ate a peanut butter sandwich. It was an experience I will never forget. 
This I think is another one of those times. I know that there is a sweet experience waiting for me that will be life changing if I keep going. If my bike ride is any indication of the wonder that waits for me, I think I'll keep going till I get to the top. 


Lauren Gyorfi said...

Great story Mike! I feel inspired!

Barb said...


Your story this morning brought tears to my eyes. I can feel your weariness and yet I can also feel your perseverance. There is a great reward for you for keeping your eyes focussed on the One who loves you most. He will be petaling for can ride on the back seat.

Susan, the song I woke up with today was...Amazing Love..How can it be? Oh, His love is so amazing..that He should love even one of us...but to be so faithful? Wow, how truly AMAZING.!!

I love you both and pray for your strength and endurance to the end..which is much closer and the light at the end is getting brighter every day.

love and hugs..
barb (Bob too!)

Ps 66:5
"Come and see what God has done, how awesome His works in man's behalf"...."Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer withheld His love from me"!

Anonymous said...

What an amazing story and an inspiration! Thank you for sharing your daily challenges and triumphs. It builds my faith to see your daily witness of God's goodness and grace - even in the middle of the hard stuff. We're all cheering you on as you "Hold Fast" and go for the last round of chemo.
- Sheila

Lauren Gyorfi said...
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Paul Gyorfi said...

we love you mike. i remember you telling me about that when you took lauren and i out to mammoth and bishop that one time. i was glad to hear you were doing the last treatment...i (possibly selfishly) want you to have every chance to kick the crap outta this cancer.

and i'll make a deal with you. when we get to california, if you still can't feel your butt, i will feel it for you

Sophia from Tower of Cyprss said...

OOPa Mike,

I loved your story...we have a lot of hills here in Cypress and could relate to the fatigue of riding up them. Keep are almost to the top.

Fred got home from his Sunday round of golf later than normal and very tired. "Bad day at the course?" his wife asked. "Everything was going fine," he said. "Then Harry had a heart attack and died on the 10th tee." "Oh, that's awful!" "You're not kidding. For the whole back nine it was hit the ball, drag Harry, hit the ball, drag Harry."

Υ i`a sou


Ps 25:1
"To You, Oh God, I lift up my soul;
in You trust, Oh my God."

P.S. Congratulations on becoming a Yiya and Papou!

Anonymous said...

That was a great story. I was glad to hear also the treatments coming to a close. Cuz, I too selfishly want you to kick that cancer crap!
Love you! See ya Soon!

bob h. said...

DUDE your amazing!! Not just your endurance & perseverance, but also your sense of humor! I pray you guys can make it to Maui during your r&r. Aloha

Anonymous said...

Look for a package on Monday or Tuesday of next week from you Kahului ML&P Ohana!


Anonymous said...

Keep peddaling; I'll keep praying.
Hey if you can make it to Hawaii why can't you come to Spain?