Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The doctor visit

As we wrote earlier this week, we saw the Oncologist today. 
The good news for today's visit:
Mike didn't lose any weight ( way to go Mike!!)
No feeding tube needed! 
Mike is strong enough to get his last chemo treatment Monday 6/9
We will be back home in Modesto full time 6/12
The Dr. is amazed at how well Mike is doing, the fact that he has only lost 12 pounds, that he isn't on pain medication, that his blood work is perfect, and he is up and around. this is far from the norm that he sees and he says he is personally amazed. We give all the glory to God! He's the ONE that did it!
The other news is, the tumor and nodes are still enlarged( though they are a bit smaller) and surgery is pretty much expected in 6-8 weeks. Mike needs to rebuild his strength, and that will give the tumor more time to shrink( this can still happen for up to 3-4 weeks after treatment is over) or disappear completely (that would be the best). But No Worries......we were ready to hear the tumor news( I, Susan check the size myself by feeling Mike's neck on a regular basis). 
WE are on the Lord's time with this and we are not discouraged but in the WAIT....WAIT and see what the test results all show in 6-8 weeks when both an MRI and a Body Scan are scheduled. WAIT WAIT WAIT. Aren't we glad that the Lord has the time in His hands too?
We are looking forward to being back home to recoup and join life again while we ready ourselves for the next phase of treatment. I would like to figure out how to get Mike to Maui for a week to rest with friends there, but it's one day at a time. For a while he is going to be too weak to travel very far.
So you want some really exciting news?? We have another new grandchild coming in January! Paul and Lauren  are expecting their first baby and in case you didn't know already, Jacob and Mariah are expecting their first baby in November! We have two new babies on the way!!!! There is so much to look forward to and be happy about.
Love you guys...keep praying, we have only just about finished the first leg of this marathon...
thank you for doing it along side of us!
Song for the day? Jesus loves me! I promise if you sing it a smile will come to your face.


Christine said...

We are looking forward to having you back. Continue to pray for strength and healing. Good job on keeping on the weight--now that is not something we normally congratulate people for!

Anonymous said...

We love you guys, Us

Anonymous said...

im tryin out this whole internet thing, and it doesn't always prove so successful, but when i can get on ya'll the only thing i check out. hey, my little bro graduated
8th grade today, i care because im sober. thanks for being cool you two... blessing's & peace... congrats on the babies too... babies are pretty cool.
HOLD FAST, timmy k

Anonymous said...

It's Thursday morning and I woke up with a song in my head. It goes nicely with all the good news about Mike.."Hallelujah, Your love makes me sing..."

My baby boy (Cole) graduates this morning from Kindergarten...AWWW

Love yau guys

Maui Real Estate Resource said...


You are getting there, it will all behind you before you know it. You are my hero Mike no drugs, no retreat, your kicking but. So hang in there Mike, God is strong in you my friend you can do amazing things through Christ.