Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Pasta, friends, babies, and talk of discipline. There isn't a whole lot necessary when you are dealing with little ones under 2. Yet I was impressed with the young parents we had dinner with last night. They were teaching their little girl to listen and obey. Kindly and yet with a quiet sense of authority they carried through as she voiced her objections with tears as any child would. Her loving parents helped her learn that they meant what they said with kind calm words and follow through. They are setting an important foundation in her life. She is going to be a wonderful independent thinker that respects her parents and their authority. she may not alway like it, but she will respect it and follow it.
I remember when my children were that age and now I am seeing my grand children and watching my children raise them. All over again I am thinking about discipline only from a different vantage point. One of being older and hopefully wiser, but my views haven't changed hardly at all.
With my kids I thought a lot about how to redirect my children and teach them, mostly because I didn't spank and still don't think that spanking is necessary, and wanted respectful children that obeyed and followed my direction. And they did, complaining along the way but still carrying through amongst much discussion. Discipline can be a real challenge. Back when I raised my kids, so many people spanked and thought that was the only way, and I learned long ago not to bring the subject up. I personally think it is never necessary to hit a smaller person to get your point across, And yes I did resort to a swat once or twice on a padded bottom, but it didn't accomplish much, except me feeling lousy, so i was determined early on to learn and find another way. I did, and it worked with my three to raise them without being spanked.
It used to be said that you don't talk about religion, politics, money, and I am going to add to the list spanking. I can talk about the other three with no problem. However spanking is one of those topics that I am passionate about, and I do get why others think it's ok, but for me I couldn't and didn't want to do it with my kids. When I look at my little grandson sleeping up in his crib, it brings up a whole new wave of emotion on the subject. Paul and Lauren are thoughtful wonderful parents with a calm and soothing style of relating to each other and others. They are both natural teachers with a deep love and appreciation for children, it's going to be fun to watch them guide and teach their own.
Time to run, Caleb just woke up and is calling me...love is calling from his crib!

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