Saturday, March 28, 2009


Yesterday I was out at my friend Vicki's home and they have butterflies everywhere. I was trying to catch a picture of one of them, and yet because I don't have a fancy camera, I needed to be close in order to get a shot. They don't stay still for long, and if I moved at all "poof" they were gone.So there I was standing in the middle of the bush. They were all around me, flying above my head, landing to the right of me and the left. Whichever way I turned they flew away. After several attempts it hit me....I needed to be totally still and focus my camera on an area and wait. Just stand there waiting.... expectantly waiting and I was silently asking or rather pleading with God for a butterfly to land. So I waited, and waited, and they seemed to be landing everywhere all around me except where I was focused. Just as I my arm was getting tired,and I was getting ready to give up, it happened....he landed and posed as if I knew I was there.
I just have to wonder how much of life and the little things I miss because I am not willing to wait and be still, or I give up before the blessing comes. "Be still and know that I am God" the scripture says. I want to be better at being still...but first we have to do some chores around the house! (I'm kidding, and yet this is how life is) Maybe I can be still and Mike can do all the chores?!!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the gentle reminder.

Blessings to your home...Steve

debbie p said...

I think letting Mike do the chores is a GREAT idea!! Im sure he is a HUGE help. I love you guys!!