Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I'm challenged to write and keep up since our son Paul has stepped up his blogging. When Mike was sick with the cancer and going through the treatment this kept me/us connected to the outside world and socially connected to those that we loved. Now Mike is regaining strength and we are full into life and schedules and we have lost connection. We miss it...we miss the interaction that we had with everyone even if it was through email and the blog. We miss the relationships that came with the cancer.
Yes it's true cancer had it's blessings. we found the love of so many for us. By the way Mike is recovering well and as of now they feel no cancer...we go back to Stanford in a few weeks for another check up and exam..

Right now I am in wonder of the leaves and the changing colors when I walk. Even the fog this morning is creating a sense of awe in me. Yesterday I saw the hand of God move in my life. So many pieces came together and for a moment and I couldn't believe the love and the excitement of being in that place. It was like being a little kid and it felt as if all your dreams came true. It was delightful, wonderful, exciting, and awkward all at the same time. I don't know if I really feel that comfortable with total abandonment to those over the top moments in life. They are such gifts from God...I wonder if God gives me such a gift and I don't completely embrace and enjoy it, what does that say to the giver? Do I spoil the gift and the receiving of the gift in some way? and what would it be like to just go crazy and let myself totally go and BE excited and love every moment of the gift?

I'm almost 50 and I am praying for the heart of delight of a child. I want the second half of my life to be more exciting than my first half. To love and connect more. To really embrace my life and the Lord to the fullest!


Anonymous said...

Dear Mike and Susan,

Praise God for all he has bestowed in your life. There is so much to be thankful for, and thank you for reminding us that each day.

I finally had the blessing of hearing Sam at Hope this Sunday. He spoke on Amos. It was very times too close to home. Anyway you have raised an awesome son.

Hear you may be coming to Maui in a week. If so, maybe we can meet and say "Hey"

You are still in my prayers!!!

Susan Haynes and family
Hope Chapel

Anonymous said...

Nicely put...You have a way of making me think about life a little differently. That is a good thing. I need constant reminders about all of the gifts in my life and all of the things I take for granted. I've heard this several times in Recovery, but have been reminded of it a few times recently...Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift and that is why it is called the present.
I love you guys!!