Tuesday, November 11, 2008

How good is life?

First off I don't cry, much. Even with this whole cancer thing no tears of sadness. When I have cried it was out of the blessings that have been showered on Susan and me. And how sweet is this new little joy that has entered our lives. Addison Grace, now that makes me tear-up. She is just a peanut at 6 pounds, Jake was almost 11 pounds when he was born.

I am grateful for the easy birth for Mariah and everybody, Mom, dad and baby our doing great. My quiver is continuing to fill. Just 2 more months until Paul and Lauren will bring forth another. A little boy with a mystery name, code name Murphy. I am grateful to be here to see Addie and look forward, Lord willing, to be around for Murphy and many more. But most of all thank you Lord for today! May we who name the name of Christ walk in His strength. Micah 6:8

Hold fast


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