Thursday, October 30, 2008

Another good report!

I met yet another new doctor yesterday, Dr. Yates. He is an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) guy. The one thing about ENT's is that they all look like real doctors. They all have those headbands with the little round mirror on the front. All very official looking. It is extremely important that they project this image since they cram their hands down your throat and tell you not to gag. Their mere word is enough to stop this response - yeah whatever!

Actually everything went great. He checked me out and said it all looks great! Praise the Lord for a good report. So we are good to go for 6 more weeks.

Hold fast



Anonymous said...


Holding Fast,

Steve L.

Anonymous said...

You are a trooper...I was thinking this week (Tuesday night) when you went up and got your 11 year chip how truly amazing that REALLY is, with all that you have been through this year. You are an amazing man, Mike Leonard. Thank you for showing me once again that with God all things REALLY are possible!!

By the way...what a turn-out Tuesday night..WOW!!!