Sunday, September 28, 2008

I, Susan like to get practical when all my feelings are going wild. I can shift there, and find good practical things to do to fill my mind space instead of worry. I'm not much of a worrier anyway, but I  like to go to work researching what we are possibly looking at before we see the next doctor. I actually enjoy reading up on the subject and all the things that it could be. I admit at times I read things that sound grim at best, but I find it all fascinating.  I believe that we have to be our own best advocate when it comes to health care. We have to take responsibility and get all the knowledge that we can, and at times pursue what we need.
In my research the last couple of days I have found that people with head and neck cancers are far more likely to develop a secondary primary tumor completely unrelated to the tonsil cancer that Mike  first presented with. Second if he has colon cancer unrelated to the tonsil cancer, it is 90% of the time totally curable.  It's encouraging really, because to think that the tonsil cancer might have spread is kind of discouraging. Also tonsil cancer usually spreads to lungs, brain and bones first.......and the PET scan didn't show any of that!
The other good news is that if it is colon cancer it hasn't been there very long, because the PET scan 5 months ago was clear in the colon. We don't have another body scan scheduled for 9 months, so actually if there is cancer we are lucky that it was found. It could have gone wild in that time. We are thankful for that blessing. 
Now from my researching it all and reading medical journal articles on the subject and after much prayer, I feel so much better and ready as I will ever be to face whatever we are going to hear.  It may not even be cancer......We are holding fast. loving the Lord and each other today. 
It's all good......


Anonymous said...

As you're holding fast, here's a scripture that I came across in today's quiet time. It reminds me that as we're holding onto God, He's holding onto us - with a grip more powerful than we could ever hope or imagine.

Isaiah 41:13

For I am the Lord your God
who takes hold of your right hand
And says to you, "Do not fear,
I will help you".

Love you both and appreciate you both beyond words

Anonymous said...

Susan, you are such a good model for all of us... to learn as much as we can about what ails us, then give it to the Lord. Your words have helped to ease all of our nerves! Thank you. I am praying and will be fasting on Wednesday. Make sure they knock him out before the colonoscopy. Believe it or not, they never gave me a choice when I had one years ago. "Worse than childbirth" was what I kept thinking.

Lisa Bryant

Anonymous said...

love you guys.... you are in my prayers and I am so sorry that you have to go through this. You both inspire me....

love, elena

lmm0827 said...

My prayers continue to be with you each and every day. God will provide!

Anonymous said...

Every time I think about you two...the song "praise you in this storm" comes to mind. You are so strong...I want to be just like you when I grow up =) i love you guys and will be praying...
See you tonight.

Anonymous said...

So, what happened at the doctor on Wednesday?