Monday, September 22, 2008

I love to work in the yard. I feel close to the Lord with my hands in the dirt. And then to stand back and look at the flowers, plants and the work that I have done. It's a wonderful and satisfying feeling. 
My dog has suddenly decided that he is going to use a little section of the lawn for his toilet. Any suggestions on how to make him stop? I read that spraying bleach water on it will take away the smell and he won't go there again.. He has a side yard where he goes, and now he has taken a liking to the beauty in our part of the yard. I can't blame him, but the lawn?

Mike and I are gearing up for another trip to Stanford this Thursday for his PET scan( full body scan). We are assuming that it is going to be clear and are praying that it will be. 
God has cared for us perfectly every step of the way. Thank you for praying for us.  We love you!


Anonymous said...

ok, I know this is going to sound weirde..but it works. Fill an empty jar (like a mayonaise bottle) w/ water with the cap on. Put it on your lawn where you don't want your dog to go. I tdon't know why this works but it does. We trained Lance to go in one spot on Cedar St with this method. Dogs don't like the jar or water.

We are praying with you for Thursday. We know that God is at work in your lives and He will sustain you both.

Sorry we've had such a hard time connecting these last few are never far from my heart and prayers.

We love both of you.

B & B

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine has used cayanne pepper. You don't need much. They'll only try once, but it doesn't seem to hurt them.

Laur said...

Hi Mama Sue, It's Laurie. I read your blog regularly and been praying for you and your family. The dog pee question... Their pee is actually like fertilizer - if you water it down right after he goes. It apparently has a lot of nitrogen in it while makes the grass greener and grow faster when you dilute it. Otherwise it burns out the grass. Their first pee in the morning is especially strong, the most important one to water down. Now you might know more about dog pee on the grass than you ever imagined! My friend uses some tablets/treats that change the chemical makeup of the pee, but they didn't work for us. She has two labs, male and female. Love you, miss you, Laurie