Saturday, September 6, 2008


Good morning!

I have been reading in the gospel of Luke lately.  I read the story of the 10 lepers that Jesus healed in chapter 17.  Below is the story out of the Message Bible ~

verses 11-13  It happened that as he made his way toward Jerusalem, he crossed over the border between Samaria and Galilee. As he entered a village, ten men, all lepers, met him. They kept their distance but raised their voices, calling out, "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!"

verses 14-16  Taking a good look at them, he said, "Go, show yourselves to the priests."

   They went, and while still on their way, became clean. One of them, when he realized that he was healed, turned around and came back, shouting his gratitude, glorifying God. He kneeled at Jesus' feet, so grateful. He couldn't thank him enough—

My sponsor says that it is impossible to be complaining and be grateful at the same time.   I agree.  The question is which am I going to choose?  In all of our lives, if we take a close look, we can all have stuff to gripe about.  However, if I am focused on what is wrong there is no time to find joy and contentment in what is right and good.  I was sitting in the back yard a couple of days ago and started to write out a list of those things for which I am grateful.  It was the middle of the afternoon, 95 degrees, I was sitting in the shade near the pool.  The sound of the waterfall spilling into the pool muted any sounds that might have been coming from our already quiet neighborhood.  I was grateful for that waterfall, for warm weather (I like hot), for a beautiful and serene backyard.

If you know me, then you know that this gratitude thing is not my natural bent.  I am one of the nine other lepers who kept on going and never looked back.  That is why I need people in my life who hold my feet to the fire, point me in the right direction, remind me to keep doing the right thing (I so often want to do the wrong thing :))  I am grateful for those people in my life who fill that role.  Having them in my life keeps me open and honest.

I am so lucky to have Susan for my partner and my wife.  I am sooo grateful for her!  She is always there to tell me the truth and sticks by me despite of my own bad self.

Now don't get me wrong, if I wanted to I could put together a long list of things I am frustrated or just plain pissed off about, especially related to this whole cancer thing.  But the good that is coming out of this outweighs my discomfort.  Heck, your reading my blog aren't you? ;)

One of the people of the bible who displays an attitude filled with gratefulness and acceptance is Joseph.  His story starts in Genesis 37 and goes to the end of the book. One of my favorite verses in the entire bible is Genesis 50:19-20 where Joseph says to his brothers, ". . . Don't be afraid.  Am I in the place of God?  You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done . . ." 

Maybe tomorrow I'll post a list of specific things I am grateful for in my life or maybe you could post some things you are grateful for here. . . what do you think?


Anonymous said...

I'm grateful for you and Susan =)
I'm grateful for our time together yesterday and I'm grateful that I am physically able to make you a meatloaf today.

Anonymous said...

In my flesh I default to negative thinking. I to, am learning to (set),a action verb, my thoughts on things above Col.3:1.
Blessing to you both,

Steve L.

Anna said...

Thanks for that. I needed the reminder to focus on the "grateful" list and not the "what's wrong" list. - angela

~ Fin Johnson said...

Mr. Leonard,
Odd... I'm sitting here in Afghanistan Saturday night and ran across your blog. It said Sept 13, but that can't be right because it's only 4 am in Turlock (where my family is) and ... hey, you're up at 4am blogging? Nice job. Thanks for the visual, I too love to sit by the pool with the waterfalls, et al.
God bless and I'll add you to my prayers.
Fin Johnson
( if you're browsing...)
feel free to "reject" & not publish this rambleing message, just wanted to pass that on!

Anonymous said...

Thankful to have stumbled on this blog - not really stumbled - I actually googled you - to try to find a current e-mail address for you. It was very sweet to hear you share a few weeks ago at church . . . cried through the whole thing . . .

love you guys,