Saturday, August 30, 2008

Mike and I escaped Modesto and went up to Nevada City. We had a great couple of days at my mom's home. We hung out with our daughter Hope, and we went to a dog show at the fair grounds. It was fun. I never thought I would end up at a dog show, but it's a good time if you like beautiful dogs. I am fascinated at how they run around the ring, not the dogs but the people. Do they take a class to run like that? What do they call it? A dog trot? I don't know, but it cracks me up and it's a little freaky. They all do it exactly the same. 
There is a dog show movie that spoofs the dog shows and it's hysterical. I think I'll rent it and get a good laugh. 
Anyway we are home and hanging out by the pool, enjoying life. We hope that you are having a good weekend. What are you up to?
Mike update: His  mouth and throat is still sore even though the radiation was done June 9th, his mouth and throat are still breaking out with new sores. It's amazing how long it takes for radiation to leave your body( they say 3 months). Please pray that Mike could get comfortable and begin sleeping through the night. He is up about every 2 hours, and is quite tired all the time. 


Lendy said...

Next time I see you, you must do the dog trot...cracks me up. Praying for Mike.

Christine said...

mike and i are up about the same amount of time at night and i am discovering that with the olympics over that there is nothing worth watching at 2am:) now when i am up i can pray for you guys--this will be a good reminder for me. enjoy the weekend.

Anonymous said...

I want to see the dog trot too. Maybe Tuesday? Ha Ha Early in sobriety (two and a half months sober) I had to put my Shih Tzu to sleep. That sucked...I am just now thinking of getting another dog. I'm thinking of getting Cole one for his 6th Birthday in November or for Christmas. We will see.
I'm still praying daily for you guys...I will add sleep for Mike to my prayers. You guys are sooooo great. The way you have handled all of this is so inspiring. See you Tuesday. have a great Labor Day...I'm sure it is by the pool...awesome!!!