Monday, August 11, 2008

let's celebrate!

 We are still in the doctors office but wanted to report as he tells us......The news is ALL is CLEAR! There is NO EVIDENCE OF cancer! We are excited and praising God. We'll give a full report later today. 

We are doing a little dance, and are going to go celebrate with lunch out.
We'll write more later. 

Love, us


Anonymous said...

Oh PRAISE GOD. I am absolutely sobbing with praise. I have checked this blog just about every ten minutes "waiting" to read these words.
You held fast and look at the guys must be sooooooo relieved. I am so happy for you.
God is so good!!

Anonymous said...

*Big smile*
Party at the Leonard house!
Praise the Lord, so happy for you!


bob h. said...


Anonymous said...

My heart fills joy and my eyes fill with tears. Praise God. Oh, how I love Him. Love you both.

Anonymous said...

Praise God!! To Him be the glory!! Congratulations to both of you. What a blessing!!

Anonymous said...

Happy happy dance! and this time I'd do it in public. hmmm, should I leave this on a public website?? Yeah why not (grin)
Woo hoo to God!!!!

Christine said...

yeah!! we are celebrating with you. thanks for getting the news out so fast. can't wait to celebrate with you in person. my doctor gave me good news today as well--looks like baby could come anytime; hoping for tonight or tomorrow!!

Anonymous said...

Praise be to God!!!! Words canoot express how happy we are to hear those words. We love you both and know that God is executing His perfect plan in you and through you!!!

We wish we could be there to celebrate with you. Know that we are celebrating here.!!

God is so GOOD!!

Bridget said...

Yay! That is so exciting! I am so glad that God has brought you this far, taught you this much, and then blessed with more days to share with family and friends! Amen! :)

Steve and Janna said...

Yay!!!!! Praise God!!!! Still checking on you guys through your blog and celebrating with you today! Love and hugs to you both, Janna

Fede said...

Praise Jesus!!!! I know the amazing feeling to hear there is no evidence of disease... my husband heard that in March and again in June after treatment for stage 4 esophageal cancer!! I'm so happy for you both. You are such an inspiration. We continue to live 1 day at a time, isn't it amazing to enjoy each day of life to the fullest.
Praising the Lord for this wonderful news. Marcia Pecora

Anonymous said...

This is great news! We're so happy to see everything turned out great. Now, for a breath of fresh air.