Monday, August 25, 2008

   don't know if anyone reads this thing , but it helps me process and record what is happening in our lives. Life has been great and getting back to our new normal, not thinking and talking about cancer. This beautiful place of no treatment and no sign of tumors. The doctor said that we are not out of the woods by a long stretch, but we have this big clearing that we can relax and romp in. Until the PET scan in 4 weeks, and then we will know if any cancer cells are lurking around and growing. 
I've been happily living in our state of no cancer bliss skipping through our life enjoying each day as it comes. And then this morning Mike had me feel his neck to see if it still felt all clear. I am happy to report that I couldn't feel a thing, but it all to quickly brought the reality back that we are still living with cancer. We are now learning to live with it and not let it control our lives or our thoughts. This morning for a few moments as I felt Mike's throat for any sign of swelling and looked into his eyes, it all came back to me, bringing a lump to my throat. 
Today is a precious gift and a great reminder to let God be God and not try to figure out the future or worry about tomorrow. God has an abundant life for us today and if we are into tomorrow we will miss the joy of today.  
Am I worried? no I'm not, this surprises even me that I go days and never think about our future and what it holds.  Could it be that in the midst of the cancer that I have learned the secret of being content in any circumstance? I am not going to make a claim quite that big, but I can say that I am more than content where we are today, and I expect that I will feel that way tomorrow, if I stay holding fast to the ONE that has my life in His hands. 
Life is good!
This weekend we had a pool full of our kids. Sarah, Rachel, Mariah(pregnant with grandchild #3) Jacob and Colin. Katie is with grandpa and Kai our dog. Doesn't Mike look great?


Anonymous said...

Looks like a nice time. Great pix!!! I am going to join you (again) once my new normal sets starts I am living only for today.
One of the verses that I had to memorze for Crown Financial was Philippians 4:11-13 I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get long with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity...I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. This helps me stay grateful for the things I have rather that dwell on things I don't. I am in more debt now than I ever have been in my life, but I feel RICHER than ever because now I have a pesonal relationship with Jesus Christ that NO ONE can ever take away from me.
I don't really know what that has to do with anything, but the scripture applies. And for today, we are both content!!!
I love you guys and will see you tomorrow night.

michaelandciara said...

Thanks for the update, we are so glad the Lord has such a hold of your lives. You touch many by the way you choose to live. All Praise be to our Father!!!!
Our prayers from Maui,
michael, ciara & mikaela woodard

Anonymous said...

hey... u guys rock... u guys inspire...u guys love... u guys keep it real... u guys sing...u guys hang loose... & its all because of Jesus... thanks, timmy k

Anonymous said...

Yes - we're out here and processing along with you guys. You are such an encouragement in the way you have zeroed in on keeping your priorities straight! I love you two!

Lendy said...

Of course I still read "this thing". I can't help but wonder when Maui gets to see Mike's "hunk sexy man self"...soon, hopefully. I miss you both.
Sending you lots of love!

P.S. Kai is so cute!

Anonymous said...

We are very happy for you Mike and Susan and we are still praying.

With love,

The Stricklands (Maui)
Lynn, Mele, Adam, Kela, Michael & Nani

Liza on Maui said...

Pictures are great!!! You all look great!

Susan, I know based on experience that a lot of people read the blogs, more than they comment. So I am pretty sure that a lot of your family and friends are reading this ad happy to read your updates, and glad to hear from you through the blog.

God bless you. Thank you for sharing your life's journey with us.