Sunday, August 10, 2008

The big day is here!

WE know you are praying. Please keep us in prayer tomorrow as we see the doctor. We are praying that we would know something either way( that the cancer is still there, or that everything looks clear.) Of course whatever the outcome we want to accept that this too is in the hand of God and that it is His perfect pleasing will for us. 
We are praying too that we don't get stuck waiting for hours for either results of tests or to see the doctor. 
As soon as we know something we will post it. 
Hold Fast with us,
Mike and Susan


Anonymous said...

Our prayers are with you. We read your blog every day and pray for you both. Mike we are so happy that you are eating and getting stronger. God is good all the time.
When you come back to Maui we would love to meet you both.
God bless you both.
Don& Laura Roll Hope Chapel Maui

Anonymous said...

Oh...I love you guys. Know that I am praying w/out ceasing until I hear something. I hope you feel a calmness today like you've never felt before...

Anonymous said...

To everybody reading... PLEASE Get on you knees and PRAY. Pray BIG!!!