Tuesday, July 1, 2008

As in the fire

Thanks to all our friends and "ohana" for your love and support.  I was thinking this morning about examples of this kind of support and what that looks like in the bible.  The picture I get is the story of the guy in second chapter of Mark.  Jesus is teaching in this really crowded house.  These four guys bring their friend who is really sick to the house to have Jesus heal him but they can't get to Him.  So these guys climb up on the house, tear a whole in the roof and lower their friend down on like a stretcher right in front of the Lord.  That is awesome!!  How much did these guys care?  Nothing was going to stop them from supporting their friend.
Both Susan and I feel we are being cared for this same way through all the prayers, the words of encouragement, the meals, the help working around the house and financial support.  We are in a place that is so strange from anything either of us has ever experienced before. We are humbled and though it's so uncomfortable, it's wonderful just the same.
When I was in college I took a couple of pottery classes.  You go through the whole process of working the clay, throwing the piece, curing or drying it and then putting on your glaze.  Now the final step is to place the piece in the kiln put it through the fire.  This is a time of waiting as the piece goes through the process.  You have to wait for the firing and then the cooling before you can even open the kiln.  During this time you have no idea of the outcome, you have to wait and see.  That's where we are today, waiting.  I am beginning to feel a little better each day as I heal from the chemo/radiation but we are weeks away from knowing if it worked.  Honestly, how many of us like to wait? I don't enjoy the waiting or the recovery process, however like the pot in the fire, it is the fire that is curing and proving the pot, strengthening and making it beautiful. Without the fire it wouldn't be a pot that could be used for anything. 
I want to be proven and strengthened through the fire, I don't want to come out of the fire the same. I want it to be for something that I could be used by God from and through this cancer. That is what the Spirit in me says and wants,  but my flesh wants it to be over and to be healed.
Only time will tell, but I will never know until the fire is done with me. So I wait and pray, HOLDING FAST to the Lord with the love and support of my wife, kids, and friends. 
Romans 12:12" Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing  steadfastly in prayer"
Saviour He can move the mountain, my God is mighty to save, He is mighty to save! 
Love you guys,
Mike and Susan

1 comment:

pacificpam said...

Hi guys,

It's amazing what an encouragement you are to so many. God truly has His hand of guidance and comfort surrounding you. Watching your struggle between the overwhelming strength of the flesh & God's overpowering reassurance in your lives is uplifting.

I know everytime my kids come for a visit and leave, I'm longing for their presence. The flip side is that I'm grateful they have active, full lives and yet, have taken time to spend with us.

With you in prayer & love...Les & Pam