Tuesday, June 10, 2008

It is well

Today is the last day of chemo! Yahoo! They split up the chemo over two days to limit further hearing loss and in hope of eliminating the vomiting that occurs for a  couple of weeks after each  treatment. Wednesday and Thursday they are going to hydrate him (through an IV) for several hours and then we will be heading back home to MODESTO!! 
The pain in Mike's throat is making a move. It is now VERY painful when he swallows. The pain is increasingly harder to tolerate. Even though radiation is over, it's like cooking a huge prime rib. Once you take it out of the oven it continues to cook for a while. Mike, though done with the radiation treatments, will continue to cook( like the prime rib) for 3-4 more weeks. So even though all actual treatment is over today, it is NOT over. As Mike cooks away supposedly his throat will get more raw and painful than it is now.( on a pain scale of 1-10, he says his pain is an 8) BUT THE SECRET TO HIS SUCESS ? PRAYER!!!!!  and the sustaining power of the Lord Jesus! all your prayers have kept the pain manageable thus far...... Keep praying! don't stop! Mike doesn't want to take pain medications and he can't do it without your prayer support and encouragement. 
He's lost another 4 pounds  (how much boost can a guy drink? hopefully a lot more!) So don't stop praying that BOOST( the only thing he can tolerate still) will taste wonderful to him and that he will actually crave it, desiring LOTs of it! 
Things Mike is looking forward to in the future: enjoying a glass of water, eating food, chewing his food instead of drinking it, a long walk around the neighborhood, going to church, not spitting, talking without effort, and having his energy back. It's going to be a while before Mike can do these things, but the simple things in life can be so sweet. Enjoy them, Mike wishes that he could. 
"we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character, and character, hope. 
Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out into our heart by the Holy Spirit who was given to us" Romans 5:3-5
Song of the day ? "It is well with my soul"
We love you..


Anonymous said...

Good Morning,
You are in my prayers this morning. Can't wait to have you close soon.
My hymn this a.m. -
There's within my heart a melody
Jesus whispers sweet and low,
Fear not, I am with thee
peace be still,
in all of life's ebb and flow.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.
Sweetest name I know.
Fills my every longing,
keeps me singing as I go.
Love with a hug,

Anonymous said...

Good evening guys,

Continuing to pray for you. It is hard to imagine, but the day is coming when all the junk with disease and sin will give in to the absolute holiness and perfection of God. WOW!!
Miss you in CR.

Steve L.

Anonymous said...

The Prime Rib Illustration really captured my imagination...it's a terrible thing to overcook such a fine piece of meat! Unfortunately to hear that that kind of cooking is happening to your throat is terrible and very unapatizing. We will pray for Mike's throat pain to be lessened and that soon he will be able to enjoy the savory goodness of prime rib! Love you guys, Ben,Tiff, Luke & Zachary
ps - Tiff says she will send pics of the boys soon.