Monday, June 23, 2008

Field trip

Thank you for all your prayers. Paul, Lauren, and Sam (our kids) have been here helping do all of Mike's around the house list. They have been putting in sprinklers, doing odd jobs, and hard manuel labor. They have been amazing,  it has been blazing hot! 
Mike has had a hard weekend. I can see the improvement in little things, but he is so weak and it is harder now for him than ever. Last night our friends Steve and Diane Warn came by to say good bye before they head back to Africa today. As Steve and Mike said good bye they commented that if one of them doesn't make it, they would be waiting in heaven for the other. It was a sweet and touching moment. The kids said they hadn't seen a good bye like that before. I like it. Wouldn't we all treat each other as more special if we thought our good bye might be the last? If we regarded each relationship a treasure? Wouldn't we treat them as valuable? We never know when our earthly end will be, and our relationships here are gifts of God. So all that to say, I loved their good bye. 
" do not boast saying tomorrow I will go and do this or that, for you don't know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. " James 4:14-15
Life is good, and heaven is far better, but for today we are here and  going to love and fully experience every moment and every person we get to be with. So grateful that we have another day to be with Paul, Sam, and Lauren before they head home. 
On a lighter note, since it's the kids last day before they go back to Virginia Beach and Maui, as a treat we are going to Stanford to see the doctor. Field trip! Does it get better than that?
I think not. It's a basic post chemo/radiation check up. We'll be back home tomorrow.
The cancer blunder of the week? we forgot our grandson's 4th birthday. The days roll into each other and for the most part we don't know the day or date each day, but we feel terrible! How could we forget? We are not ourselves. In fact, we are finding that we are not the self that we thought ourselves to be. 
If I sound exhausted in this post, it's because I think I am......I'm pooped!
Have a great day, keep praying and loving us, we need it and appreciate everyone of you.
Hold Fast, Susan


Anonymous said...

Thank you both so much for sharing/bearing your hearts on here. It really helps us to know how to pray specifically. We love you both and are continuing to pray!

Steve and Janna said...

I love your transparency on this blog and before the Lord.

Trust in Him at all times, pour out your heart before Him. God is a refuge for us! ~ Psalm 62:8

You are on our hearts and in our prayers. Love, Janna

Anonymous said...

Dear Mike and Susan,
We are praying,praying, and praying

Susan and Family,

bob h. said...

I think you were confused yesterday. You are totally special!!!!!!
and the mirror thing - forget it!
there comes a time in your life when you stop looking in the mirror and stop having birthdays
unless you are Dick Clark or Robert Wagner
Aloha, i love you bro!!!!!

pacificpam said...

Hi Mike & Susan,

Thank you for sharing your lives so openly. Do you realize how much you're encouraging all of us? Your teaching us how it's done. Prayer, scripture, sharing, friends, family; all the pain, joy, laughter, fear, but, most of all--the love.

I know how special Mike & Steve's relationship is and thank you for sharing that poignant moment. How the years fly by. Les and I hadn't been to Modesto for years and came on the 16th just to see them and they told me how to contact you. We (Mike & I) lost touch when we each got married and I hope to see you again soon.

God Bless & many prayers are going up for you day & night....Pam & Les

Anonymous said...

Well...? How was the field trip?What did the doctor say?

Hey, take it easy today so you can make it to CR tonight...I need a dose of you two.

i love you guys

Anonymous said...

Hi. Just a quick celebration. I saw your throat pain is down to 4 after being at a 6 yesterday. Woo hoo! I'm continuing to pray that it stays under control