Monday, June 2, 2008

Count your blessings

" Count your blessings, count them one by one, count your blessings, see what God has done"
(Do you know this song? It's crazy how I wake up with songs in my head. It makes getting up a joy) 
We have so many blessings that there are too many to count. Mike and I read the blog responses and every email you send (sometimes over and over). Each one lift us to a place that we cannot describe. We are grateful beyond words and never have felt more loved. How can so many people love us? 
This past weekend we had a house full of laughter and love! So many friends/family stopped by bringing smiles, stories, jokes, and encouragement. It is because we don't stand alone and know that we are surrounded both here and in heaven by such a great cloud of witnesses that we press on. We are not alone. We feel loved and supported. We can see that we are not fighting this battle by ourselves, and that there is an army standing with us. It brings great courage to face the many more months of uncertainty and illness. (The doctors tell us that we have 6-8 weeks after the treatment is over before Mike will begin to feel any better.) We know we have along road ahead, but like the side lines in a marathon, we can hear and see everyone cheering us on, handing us water and food as we pass by, giving us the strength to go another mile. We don't know where or when the finish line is, so don't stop cheering. We need you to keep going. 
We are heading back today with a fresh hop to our step, ready to face another week and the last 11 treatments. (easy for me to say, since I don't have to do them, but Mike is ready too and is giving me the thumbs up) We love you!


Anonymous said...

I think I'm addicted to you guys...oh oh cross addiction...but what a good substance. Seriously, I can't wait to log on every morning to see how you two slept, how your feeling, or what song is in Susan's head...
Have a great day,

Anonymous said...

oh how you have tasted and seen that the Lord is good! praying that you continue to persevere by God's grace this week. Last night hundreds of us lined up along the north side of Hope Chapel's lawn with signs to welcome Kit and Shelley home. It was an incredible picture of the fellowship we share as followers of Christ. A picture of how it will be when we finally get to go home to be with the Lord and the great cloud of witnesses who have gone before us. SUch rejoicing there will be! Even though you are physically not here with your Hope family that line of people is standing along your road with you encouraging, praying, and cheering for you to keep going. Sam was right by us....he looks good the weariness lifted and he is excited to be going to Hume soon. We love you guys. Kelly and Jan

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike,
I was told that you heard the latest song by our group "The Acrostics". We had a lot of fun recording it. Scott told me that you really liked it. I'm glad that it brought you a little joy. After we get back from our tour of the West coast I'll have to give you a call.

My contribution to the joke file:
A preist, a rabbi, and a minister walk into a bar and the bartender says, "Is this a joke?"

Hang in there
See you later
Russ H.

Anonymous said...

I count you both as a blessing. Thank you.

Sophia from Tower of Cyprss said...

Kali`nichta Michael & Susan...

Ti `kahnees,,,,I wake up and pray before I get out of bed..."God, be with my good friends Susan & Mike and stregthen Mike's body...enable it to fight off the cancer". Susan, I love the way God puts a song in your heart every morning....Great is His Faithfulnees!!

I was listening to the Gaithers sing "The Love of God" this morning and praying for you. His love is so very rich and far reaching, isn't it?

I thought maybe you could pass these on to your doctors...

Doctor, doctor, I keep seeing into the future.
When did this first happen?
Next Tuesday.

Doctor, doctor, I keep losing my memory.
When did you first notice it?
When did I first notice what?

Doctor, doctor. Every time I stand up quickly, I see Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Goofy.
Ok, how long have you been having these Disney spells?

Well, hopefully that will bring a chuckle to you...

loving you...

Ps. 56:3
"When I am afraid, I put my trust in thee."