Monday, June 16, 2008

Back to Stanford we go

Please pray today for Mike as we go back to Stanford this morning for another doctors visit with the Oncologist. The last few days Mike has been his sickest to date, and typically the long drive is really hard on him. ( the vomiting is not yet under control ) He is dreading the drive, but we are praying and getting him psyched up. It will be a long day. PRAY PRAY PRAY...
We'll update you tonight, after we see the doctor. 
The big new yesterday? Mike liked the taste of mango Gatorade. Something that tastes good!  We are excited.... and this morning the pain in his throat is minimal.(a four on a scale of 1-10) 
The healing has begun!
Hold Fast, the Lord is going to bless you too!


Paul Gyorfi said...

definitely will be praying throughout the day today. that is awesome about the gatorade and the throat pain too... see you in 2 days!

Anonymous said...

praise God for a 4 on the scale!
blessings & peace
love timmy k

Anonymous said...

Yay...pain of 4 and taste all in the same day...PRAISE GOD. I bet the report from the oncologist will be GREAT!!!!
Love you guys and praying, praying, praying for you today.