Sunday, June 8, 2008


This is it. The final week of treatment, and we are amazed, humbled and almost speechless as we reflect on the past 6 weeks. When this all began we wondered how was it all going to come together? God is always Faithful, and He continues to be. 'The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want". We have not wanted for a thing. Every detail has been cared for while we traveled back and forth. LOVE, encouragement, food, BOOST, house, apartment, bills, yard, even gas money has it seemed fallen from heaven. (there are too many things to mention)Every detail has been covered. God has provided for our every need and continues to do so. " do not worry about your life, what you will eat,drink, or wear. For your Father in heaven knows you need these things......... Seek first the Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow has enough trouble of it's own....... " Matt 6:25-34 We are not worried, it is so obvious that God has us covered!
The Lord is our Shepherd and we are His sheep. He is and has, cared perfectly for us. Thank you for being His hands and feet in our lives!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your theme today of the lord providing strikes home. I have been worried about getting my vehicles registered and sold in time for the trip home. Today Michele mentioned that she seemed surprised I wasn't more upset about the way things were going. (BTY. The Spanish are really crazy about the way they get things done. So much buroucracy.)I kind of blew it off as to why it doesn't bug me so much but it hit me when I read your blog.
I had stopped into the local church the other day when I was downtown. I prayed for you Buddy; sleep well, have strength, shrink those tumors. I prayed for Susan because she needs everything you do. I prayed for your relationship because that is something special in itself. Then before I got on to my worries I prayed for my kids, then Michele and Adam and everybody else I could think of that was more important than my troubles with Spanish burocracy. When I finally got to it seemed just a footnote and so trivial. Life can be so hard to figure out sometimes when it is really so simple.
An image to leave you with:
Very few people work on Sunday in Spain. A few tourist spots and restaurants are open but the grocery store is closed, kind of like everything is quite on Christmas. We spent the day at the beach under a shade umbrella, a very warm and sunny day. It was peaceful and everone seemed so peaceful and mellow. I made a couple long distance swims out to the far buoys. It is the local custom that bathing suit tops are optional. Michele said at one point there seemed to be more women without their tops than with with them. Of course I really didn't notice but it is probably more like 32.45%. Well, where was I going with this? Anyway, good luck tomorrow and God Bless.